Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Still there

....but for how long? This chair has been forgotten for at least a year but what it is sat on has been forgotten longer. It's a left over from WWII, a German bunker of some sort. There are three of them here (not in view) and 2 more in the grounds of a church round the corner and when I moved here we had two in front of our appartment. They are slowly being removed or incorperated into their neighbourhoods. (I'm not entirely sure the one outside is gone or if it's just under a huge growth of dangerous looking weeds).

Anyway, this didn't turn out quite as I had planned but there is something about the way just about everything is trying to distract you from the ugly past. Sometimes we just need to record whats there, then publish and be damned. Two lame Blips in a row. ......... It is minus bloody loads though so I'll use that as an excuse.

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