In Tru Life

By TruLife

Ethan is 1 but I am 100!

Maddy, Floriana and I had a lovely time at Ethan's birthday party on Sunday! Flori spent the whole time walking around using Ethan's walker toy. Maddy spent the whole time competing with other guests of the older child variety for multiple goes on the Wii! At one point Ethan was chasing round after a toddling Flori (this photo shows a very tired Flori complete with dummy after doing about a hundred circuits round Lallybroch's house) and then a crawling Flori! Flori kept looking back and giggling excitedly to see Ethan catching up to her. I forgot my camera though so had to use my phone. Hence the grainy image.... Camera phone is high pixels but rubbish with movement!

So this is my 100th blip and I didn't even know till a few of my subscribers said congratulations.... D'oh! So especially for me Flori is now wearing a fantastic firey 100 T-shirt! Can't believe it's been 100 already! How did that happen???

Thank you to Lallybroch & OneVision who both introduced me to blip!

Thank you to all my wonderful subscribers and for your lovely comments which make me and my family smile.

Thank you to those who say lovely things about my girls and call them beautiful!

Thank you to everyone who leaves kind encouraging or helpful comments and make me feel glad to be me!

And thank you to my husband who lets me indulge my new distraction/passion!

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