In Tru Life

By TruLife

Happy 1st Birthday Floriana!

Floriana was one year old today! 1 year ago I was cuddling my new little baby girl, and I cannot believe the time has flown by so fast!

Floriana started the day by opening her presents before we had to get on with the morning school rush... it was my turn this morning and opening presents and trying to make a baby's first doll's pram up did not help our timekeeping! Flori fell asleep on the way home in her pram and then transferred floppily to her cot where she has a 2 hour nap in her snowsuit!

Flori barely got time to enjoy her dolly pram before we left to meet Lallybroch and Ethan. We really enjoyed a day lunching and doing a little Christmas shopping with Ethan and his mummy and I love the sleep-anywhere-shot of Ethan today on Lally's blip!

We got home just in time for Madeleine being dropped off and could get back to the long awaited pram-pushing Flori had been desperate to get back to. She struggled to be let down when she saw it. She spent the rest of her day pushing, reversing, turning, getting stuck, being annoyed when I rescued her, putting the pram back into the stuck position and getting out by herself thank you very much! Lol. What a determined wee baby I have!

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