
By millyanatrees

bad mood

...the sun came out for a split second and the trees were brightly lit, looked gorgeous, but I couldn't get the photo without the wall in the way....I hate the front wall on the front garden, it's concrete and horrible with silly turrets and chains on....I'd love to buy this place, I'd do so much to it! aaargh the suns shining on those trees again now....and gone....the weather changes every second in the mountains!

I'm battling with a big bale at the moment, got the horses home, it's a mess out there already, wet muddy and miserable. I'm stressed out over money issues and now I've got a big bale that's proving a right pain in the backside to feed to the can't go in the field, so I'm taking bits out of the bale and filling hay nets, but it's really difficult, so I'm loosing the will to live slowly!!

aww noodle just cheered me up by squeaking at me and coming over for a cuddle <3

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