
By millyanatrees

total white out!

massive contrast to yesterday's blip....I didn't think it would get this bad this quickly....the idea of rationing the bale was thrown out the window when I found the garden buried in snow, and the horses with it! They've got icicles on their rugs and mane and big snow balls stuck to their feathers and feet!!! So I thought right, sod this you're coming in the yard! So here they are in the garden.....well pretty much on the patio really.....the plant pots are going to get trampled :/
You can't see Myfanwy, she's too busy scoffing, but had to put an extra rug on her this morning, I was really worried about Enlli and just caught her shivering and she wasn't eating properly, so I put another rug on her as well and she looks much happier now. Think Petra's alright, (she's the one in the blue) but I might put an extra layer on her tonight as well. she's eating the most so she's probably fine.

Looking more like I'll be snowed in for xmas now :( so I won't get home to see the family, and I won't be there for the birth of my niece! I hope it goes soon....there's about 2ft out there now! :( hate snow....pretty, but a nightmare when you have animals!

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