Family 6

By meganrose


My first child going to his first 'real' disco in a real club. I can't believe it. Not only is he super handsome, but suddenly he is super grown up.

He started secondary school in September and because he has been a good boy he has been invited to the school disco. Which is held at a club in town called 'Toast'. The Dazzler has popped out to get him, no doubt he will be high on fizzy pop and busting with stories. When I dropped him off I found myself telling him not to accept drinks from anyone incase it had alcohol or drugs in it. I didn't feel old enough to be giving warnings like that to my own chldren. I don't know that he is old enough to require warnings like that either.

I had intended to Blip the trees in the carpark where I dropped him off. They look magnificent draped in blue lights. However I already knew this picture was the one.

On a separate note, thank you so very much for all the kind comments yesterday. I can't really take any credit though, it was all already there!

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