Fountain pen

Should have been collecting the hire car and then heading south today; but having cancelled it all, I parceled up a couple of things we would have taken with us and took them to the post office.

Then, having already received a dozen or so Christmas cards sent by well-organised folk, I thought I might as well get some and send them out myself - I don't always manage it. I brought home a pile of cards and stamps but then took a notion that I would like to write them with pen and ink.
(How ridiculous!)

First, find the old fountain pen (that took a while). Then call DaveH on his mobile and ask him to procure a bottle of ink. It turns out that it is still possible to buy a bottle of ink in Leith. Then see if I can remember (a) how to fill the pen and (b) how to do joined-up handwriting - my gosh, it's been a while since I did anything but type.

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