Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon


Back in Washington D.C. with Isabelle.

She is working frantically to raise money before Xmas for her film 100 Fires: Living from a Landfill. To that end she just posted her video to Kickstarter.com. The bidding begins with any donations welcome and a goal of $15,000 for post production. Every little bit helps. Fingers crossed.

As for me, I'm here to help doing research for another film and then that whole figuring my life out thing. I have been arranging interviews with Wallace related folks in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia for the months to come. Surprisingly it has been pretty successful so far and if the responses I have been receiving are any indication of the larger public it is a very good sign!

Filling in the gaps in-between we're just trying to stay warm in this cold snap of snowy Christmas weather, sipping on steaming mugs of coffee and typing away in-doors on computers. Winter time -- work time.

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