Wandering Gypsie

By WanderingGypsie

A gift from a friend

My best friend in NC gave this pendant to me before she moved out of her house. Though it's not something that i'd wear daily, i'd gladly decorate my car so that everyone can see it's beauty and i can see it whenever i drive somewhere and think of her :)

I'm actually really forgetful about wearing jewelry as out of habit i stopped wearing it with the exception of my wedding ring, as having constantly being around babies i didn't want any pieces to get broken or on the flip side, hurt the wee ones.

i've been slowly reintegrating jewelry into my wardrobe again. i've got some big chunky pieces and some smaller shiny pieces..and handmade pieces as well. i love them all.

and now i shall stop my rambling and catch y'all on tomorrow's blip ;)

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