
By sp33dway

a frosty post

thought I'd post a frosty pic of a frosty post from this morning.

(repeat 10 times fast)

Happy last work-day blippers! (well, for most anyway). Unfortunately I'm far too busy at work to wind down but I'm still feeling well and truely christmassy - heck I EVEN sang along to the Mariah Carey when it came on the radio earlier. Things change at this time of year, and for most it's for the better.

Tonight I'm planning on wrapping up those last few christmas presents that are STILL under the bed, then it's feet up time with a pint or two of Old Tom, Black Sheep and a glass or two of Brandy. No doubt Lady Speed will put her feet up my jumper at some point (it keeps the toes warm apparently) and depending on how the mood takes us a little bit of festive howsyourfather should finish the night off with a swing, fnaar.

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