
By Fisherking

......Ice, Ice Baby..

No more snow, but no sign of a thaw either and with temperatures set to be below zero all week and more snow due on Thursday, looks like we might be in for a second white Christmas in a row!

This is one of our fishing ponds, it's been frozen solid for almost a month now and we haven't been fishing since November 19th. I'm getting withdrawal symptoms!

I suspect a lot of my presents will also be sitting in their boxes until the thaw comes. Still, had a lovely, lonely walk around the ponds this morning, bright sunshine, minus 3 degrees, not many people about, then back home for a bacon butty and a coffee.

Present wrapping this afternoon and putting them under the tree, shopping to do on Wednesday and then our meal out on Thursday and that's us ready.

Todays weird fact follows on from yesterday. All of you who thought you were safe because you don't play sports an Christmas Day and you do go to Church are in for a surprise!

The same Act (Holy Days and Fasting Days 1551) says that not only must you attend a Christian service you must also walk to it! The law prohibits the use of any kind of vehicle to get to the service, and the Police have the power to seize any vehicles used and sell them and distribute the proceeds to the needy! Obviously this aspect of the law hasn't been very succesful over the years because an amendment in 1847 also allows the Police to close all roads around churches on Christmas Day and re-route any vehicles seen approaching any place of worship!

Das vidanya.

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