
By Fisherking

....a Christmas.......

Woke at 6.15 this morning for some weird reason!

Looked out of the window to see about 5-6 inches of snow.

Went downstairs and made a coffee, so that ruined any chance of going back to sleep...why did I do that? Watched England getting battered by the Australians. Ate some breakfast and had more coffee and then set to, clearing the snow.

Cleared off all three cars, brushing snow from roofs, windows and lights. Cleared the back step and dug a path to the rear garage door.Cleared the drive. About half way through doing the drive the Boss appeared, bleary eyed at the kitchen window, motioning did I want a coffee. Obviously yes, it was bloody cold outside even though I had a sweat on from all the shovelling.

Finished. Trudged round to the back of the house for the coffee.....only to discover the Boss had stolen my last ciggie!!!!!Aaaaarrrgghh!!!!

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't thinking"..............oh, that makes it ok then, not thinking.

And then in started snowing again on my beautifully cleared cars and paths!

The Boss hastily got dressed and set off for the local shop and left me to sprinkle some salt to try and keep the paths clear. She returned bearing gifts...well some cigs anyway....and the snow stopped so I brushed off the cars again.

Rachel was good enough to pose for this shot in our snowy garden, and then she and the Boss made a quick trip into town. We've stayed in warm and cosy for the rest of the day and may well do the same tomorrow.

Today's interesting Christmas fact is the second one based on obscure and unrepealed laws.

The Holy Days and Fasting Days Act of 1551 states that every citizen of Britain must attend a Christian church service on Christmas Day. So once a year every Buddhist, Jew, Hindu, Moslem, Atheist, Agnostic, Humanist and lapsed Christian becomes a criminal. So all of you who thought you were ok with yesterday's law concerning sports, watch out, you might get a visit from Mr. Plod.........and those who do go to Church....just wait until tomorrow!

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