Displacement activities

By Detritus

Into the blue.

It's the little things that count. Watching a film with tea, the room (on screen) flooded with swirling colours, enough that the little girl turned to her window. It was of course Up, and that scene, which lasts only a second or two, is so striking.

Last night we were up 'til 01:00 wrapping presents, to save that horrible last minute rush. All done now, apart from two minor things to pick up. Should be collecting those tomorrow. This morning we did the washing, tidied up a bit, read a little and did not much else. She went to work this afternoon, so I took the kids and dog to the woods, before coming home to cook tea.

Trying to tidy up a little from our lazy day, I noticed this bookmark in an appropriate book on the shelf. The bookmark is a little tattered, being a present from my son some years ago. Not sure when I last read this book, or if the bookmark was just tidied up to there, but I liked it.

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