Thistle Down

By Ethel


Heritage...our heritage,
With heirlooms of the past.
A priceless treasure from someone dear,
That we delight to hear.

A story true...adventure, too,
With the strains from Grandmother's shawl,
We live in the memories of years gone by,
In thoughts of our heritage.

Heritage...our heritage,
These heirlooms that we love.
A gay possession from a courageous soul,
In a wish that has been told.

A lovely book...a cut glass dish,
That was touched by a kindly hand,
The hardships that came with the long years,
And brought us our heritage.

Heritage...our heritage,
Our heirlooms we can share.
The testimony that we can bear,
Is a cherished gift that is sincere.

A rose-bud vase...a lovely broach,
An album...with pictures that we adore,
With faces...for our heritage,
To hunt for they bring us joy.

Heritage...our heritage,
An heirloom left in our care.
To embrace the gospel in our lives,
In the church on the city-square,

The bible faith foretold,
The sacrifice made for us here.
The dangers they bore as they crossed the plains,
Left to us our heritage.

Heritage...our heritage,
These heirlooms make us strong.
The melodies of an old-time tune,
Help us to know that we belong.

A blessing dress...a love confessed,
In the days that we never knew.
O hunt up your heirlooms that are stored away,
For they will bring joy to you.


Heritage...our heritage....things that we
never knew...down from the attic on pages
of blue...saying in writing that...I love
you...hearing and seeing...both making it

E.P. 1908 - 1989

Katalina was blessed today and she wore
Ethel's blessing dress from 1908.

She is being held by her mother, Suzette,
and dad, Jon is in the background.

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