As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

The Obesity Epidemic

I woke up and felt horrible. I watched House on the couch until 11:00. Then, I resumed working on my research paper. It's about obesity...

I worked on it all day and it's six pages long (the maximum) and I better get a good grade on it considering how insane my teacher is and how she never explains anything.

While I was sitting at the desk, typing, a hawk swooped down and dropped a dying sparrow on my patio. It didn't look hurt but it couldn't get up so something was wrong. It just sat there on it's side, breathing and moving its legs. I took a few pictures of it but, at the request of Jill, I'm not using one as my blip for today. I got a really close one of it's eye....oh well. It's still out there.

This is my puppy, Peaches. She was very cooperative today. She just slept near the sliding glass door all day... You can see the bird in the background...

I'm still not feeling too hot...

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