As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Talent(less) Show

I still didn't feel too great when I woke up today...

My English teacher was out again....yay.

Math teacher, too....not yay.

And Italian...yay! We had an awesome sub so Italian was a lot of fun today.

This is why I hate backblipping.....I forget everything that happened!

Well, at track I tried doing a few mile repeats outside on the track by myself while everyone else ran inside. IT WAS COLD! I'm really out of shape... 6:30 mile :( I need to get in shape for the two mile race in January...

Tonight was the third annual boy scout talentless show. The past two years, we had funny people doing interesting acts. Tonight...not so much. We had John beatbox (pretty cool), annoying trivia made by my dad, and my brother and James playing. I've heard them play so many times I know almost all of the lyrics to their songs. They're good, but still...

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