In Tru Life

By TruLife

Hi Santa!

We went to two Christmas parties at the health club we go to, today. We were late for Flori's one as she was sleeping, then she had to eat, then there was more snow, then Daddy's phone rang non-stop as he had urgent work stuff going on! But she didn't mind and got to see Santa and she seems quite happy. She got a wee sticker book and some chocolate. The she spent half an hour walking up and down with her wee dolls buggy we got her for her birthday, which she loves!! She is more than a little possessive over it... if I lift her up to do something, she flips and kicks like a fish out of water! Ha!

I also got some great Christmas shopping done and managed to make really quick decisions rather than procrastinating greatly and ending up getting nothing! When I came back to pick up Madeleine and Daddy Madeleine had really enjoyed her party and was playing with some lovely school friends who also go to the same club. We also got to chat to their lovely mummies which was fab as usual.

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