Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Sparkles and Lights

Sparkling decorations, twinkling lights, fragrant candles, warm fireplace, and a Christmas tree are some of the elements of this season that we are enjoying. We had a constant downpour of rain today, so there was no opportunity to capture outdoor Christmas decoration. The weather folks are predicting rain for the next 2 or 3 more days.

It was a good day to stay indoors, so only one outing to the Post Office, the shoe repair shop (with a quick stop in the "puppy" store next door), the dry cleaners, the bank, and the drug store to stock-up on a few bottles of vitamins and supplements -- pretty boring . . . not really! A calm, slow, relaxed day has been enjoyable.

The phone rang just before dinner, a friend who we haven't seen for a couple years was calling to let us know that her husband, who retired just a few years ago from a career of piloting American Airline planes, died in a small air-craft accident today. He was the only one in the plane. They have a family of 10 adult kids -- his, hers, and three they adopted when a friend died years ago, so we know that she has a multitude of family to assist her through this devastation, but what a shock. A reminder all over again that tomorrow is not guaranteed.

We're watching a Christmas concert (DVD) as I type at my make-shift desk here in the family room with the fireplace, the candles, the sparkles, and the joy of being with each other.

Good night from rain soaked Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. If you've got 2 minutes, here is a fun Christmas "decorating" moment.

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