Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Frozen feet

It appears that the drummers finishing thier set at the Solstice feast is the equivelant of turning the lights on at the end of the night at the pub. There was still an hour of DJ music but people began to slowly make their way home. This shot was of B resting her back whilst we waited for our fellow taxi friends to say goodbye. Realising it was late on a Saturday night before Christmas we'd have to actually go to a rank for a taxi, well the station was near by and a tiny bit warmer than being directly on the street.

We stand in the freezing cold, in inappropriate clothing for about an hour before a station worker came to tell us that they were closing the station and we'd have to go to the rank up the street. Get there and the queue was horrendous so it was a long walk to the night bus before arriving home frozen solid.

In the afternoon my Dad arrived ready to take us down home the next morning. As we had the car we dropped friends at bus stops and transfered luggage across town for our homeless friends.

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