What Eye Spy

By Snappybiatch


My mood is dark today - a huge petted lip at the fog and cloud meaning the Lunar Eclipse was not visible in Glasgow.

The day is dark - It's the Winter Solstice today.

My mood has only darkened further as every other photo I have taken today has been extremely unsatisfactory in one way or another, this is the best of them and as I am now fairly exasperated I have decided this is IT!!!! These twigs are normally smooth but have been transformed by frozen thorns of moisture into icy barbed wire by the sub zero weather. The image is also quite dark I think.

However in honour of our beautiful Lunar Eclipse here is a poem I had published last year. The connection is the line "The Moon Arose With Unwashed Feet" which is how some Eastern cultures described the Eclipsed Moon in ancient times...... Others thought the Moon was bloodied and like all Eclipses considered it a bad omen in those times.

The Moon Arose

The Moon arose with unwashed feet
Her darkened face flushed red
My love and I in secret meet
And watched her as she bled

Under her gaze we were complete
Caught in a tangled thread
And ate the fruit of our deceit
Ensnared in Neptune's web

She wiped the knife upon the sheet
Its whiteness now stained red
The Moon now silver and discreet
Unmoved as love lay dead

The Moon she set and watched her weep
Her broken heart like lead
And though her sorrow's dark and deep
This too shall pass they said

Carole Bone
July 2008

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