Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Eye Eye

As we left the house this morning the minibus was covered in beautiful frost crystals. The rest of the family didn't appreciate me stopping and trying to take pictures in the -11'C, blocking thier access to the car and I was promptly told to move.

Busy day in town today. Helped out in the shop, ran errands, bought presents, had my haircut and visited the opticians. It was a good trip to the opticians. I've had several failed contact lens fittings in Edinburgh at a well known chain optician where they plonk you down in the middle of the shop and get a scary lady to watch you, constantly reminding you how much time you've got left and telling you you've done it wrong.

Too scared to go back there I arranged to see my old optician. They took me in to a private room, got some in to my eyes, checked my pprescription and then carefully talked me throuh taking them out. After successfully removing them he let me try putting them back in but when I was struggling decided it was more important to be sure I could take them out. After all, if he sent some away with me there was no harm if I couldn't put them in but there would be if I couldn't take them out. After successfully removing them I was sent away with two sets of lenses that could be worn continuously for a week if I didn't manage to take them out and 4 sets of daily disposables. We'll see how I get on and then I'll be back in the New Year.

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