Peppa Pig Playing Cards

Dad and I play a matching game with these Peppa Pig cards. We put lots of them on the floor face down and then take turns each at turning them over. If you turn over two that match, you win those cards and add them to your pile. Sometimes I cheat, by turning over two that don't match but still taking the cards. And sometimes I get fed up and mess all the cards up to spoil the game.

For the first time ever, we have a gap in Orla's blip! We didn't take a photo of her yesterday before heading off to work. It was my work Christmas do - a meal in La Garrigue. But I haven't been feeling well since Saturday and had decided not to go, and when numbers were being finalised in the morning I made our apologies. Then a track broke at Winchburgh at lunchtime and all trains between Glasgow and Edinburgh were cancelled. A replacement bus service was running to Polmont. Trains started running again around 4pm, so at 4.30pm Orla's Dad and I headed off to Haymarket. The train apparently wasn't stopping at Croy, so we had arranged with Orla's Papa that he would pick us up at Falkirk High. But when we got to Haymarket we were told that the train wasn't even stopping there, and that if we wanted to get on a train at all we would have to go to Waverley and join the queue. So we decided that as there was no point trying to get home until later, we'd be as well going on the Christmas night out. So, dosed up on paracetemol, ibuprofen and fizz and with the good company and nice food, I managed to enjoy myself. I paid for it today though, as I knew I would, and there was no photo of Orla as she stayed with her Gran and Papa. We missed her, and were very glad to see her this evening.

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