
By grounded

Travel Preparations!

As suggested on yesterday's blip I decided to enjoy a long lie this morning before getting up and pottering around the house. Stepped out just before lunch to deliver some presents to friends before we depart tomorrow.

In the afternoon, I used up the last of the veggies and made some fresh tomato pasta sauce which I have frozen. I also managed to finish an essay for Spurgeon's college which I started ages ago.

This evening, hubby headed out to the pub with the boys after loading the car with a shovel and some survival stuff in case we get stuck tomorrow. We also got all the presents corralled in the hall ready to go in the car for the journey. I blipped them!

While hubby was out I have done some tidying and finished reading the Bible! I started at the beginning of this year with a group and today I raced to the end finishing 10 days early! Something I'd never done before but thought it was about time I did!

Right bed soon and ready for 200 miles tomorrow!

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