Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor


This is my noman (three quid from Tesco - bargain, especially when it stopped Orla crying because her bottom was cold sitting in the trolley). I have coveted this noman for a long time, and Mum finally caved in graciously bought him for me. Gran and Papa came to my house today to look after me because I was still feeling poorly. I slept until 9.30 this morning! When I cough, I tell Mum and Dad, "Orla's got a bad cough!"

Mum and I went to see Louisa and her Mum today. We had a nice time. Louisa showed me her new bedroom with her big girl bed, and she made me laugh by running into the next room, making a funny noise and running back in again. Louisa gave me an early Christmas present - a Peppa Pig mug. I was very pleased with it, and wanted to drink my juice out of it at dinner time. Unfortunately, I poured most of the juice down my front, but I'm sure I'll get used to it soon!

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