
By Jillybean

Making My Way Down Town

Walking fast, faces past, and I'm homebound.

'Watched' football at G's house. I didn't really watch but the boys did. And they were happy so the Steelers must have won. =] hehe. We were then mis-informed and made a trip to Macys which unfortuantely was a waste since it was not open at 1am. The next logical plan was of course to take a ride down to Oak Beach, where four dead bodies were found last week. We personally wanted to catch the Oak Beach Killer as he is now named. We didn't see him...plus we all got too scared and made a U-turn at the first possible place after passing the "Now Entering Oak Beach" sign.

Lovelylovely! :)

"Confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks in great and honorable courses with a sure hope and trust in itself."

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