Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Time ticks on

It's been a busy day today. There was the turkey to collect and last bits of shopping to do before work. It then seemed that this year, all those people who were holding off for presents arriving by post were having to come in to town to shop instead. The busiest moment came when mum had popped out to do some errands whilst it was quiet. There were people to collect items that hadn't arrived yet, there were people with difficult jobs, there were prams filling up the shop. It didn't get much better as the day went on either.

At least by lunch time there were two extra bodies to help out and The Boy excelled himself by making cups of tea and doing the lunch run. It's tradition on Christmas eve that as the crowds die down, we have a little treat of port and some nice nibbles. So much so that when my sister rang briefly to check details of a present she asked what we were eating and what was being drank.

Around 3:30pm we decided the shoppers were gone for the day and we locked up. I'd been organised and made the soup for dinner last night to free up tie this evening for preparing the meal for tomorrow. The veg are all peeled and sliced, the turkey is dressed with a few pounds of sausagemeat, bacon and sausages, the stuffing just needs finished in the oven and the gravy will be reheated at the last minute. Hopefully this will allow for a relaxing day tomorrow.

Today's blip is of a clock that sits on my parent's sideboard. I've always loved it. It doesn't go but it coulkd be a simple case of needing a new battery. Now I wonder where I could find an N size battery?

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