Through my lens, Willis

By Willis

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone and what a great day to celebrate my 300th blip...


Caution Tech Stuff:

Before sunrise I setup my camera and took this 30 sec exposure at f22 with the mirror locked up. The image was brightened slightly.

In Photoshop I made a copy of the layer and placed it on top of the original. I then gaussian blurred this highest most layer to around 30 pixels.

Then in the layers panel I set this blurred topmost layer to the difference mode. Next I flattened the 2 layers, regular below and blurred on top into a single layer. Adding an levels adjustment I brought the right most slider up to the beginning of white and the midpoint to pull the image out of the darkness.

From there a little crop and some sharpening and it's done. Funny how these colors don't show as well as a jpeg as they do in Photoshop. The jpeg doesn't sparkle and pop like the original.

Merry Christmas to all my wonderful friends in Blipland... Willis

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