Life is there for living.

By Jumumford

Christmas Day....

Rachel was SO excited, she came through at 2am, screaming "he's been, he's been!". I sent her back to bed and she re-appeared just before 6am. I relented and let her open her stocking on our bed, although you could hear Matt snoring loudly under the duvet!

We strung it out til about 6.40 and went downstairs. (Matt still snoring), but Uncle Rich had joined us by this stage. Matt finally came down about 7ish and she could open the rest of her presents.

We went out for Chrimbo dinner (a new experience). The Saracens Head in Towcester. They had problems with the hearing and everyone was sitting in the huge room with their coats on, tucking into parsnip soup & horses doofers! Matt moaned and they moved us into the restaurant, which was great and we enjoyed the rest of the meal.

It's been a lovely day. Nice and chilled. Lots if food, wine, games & TV, with mum, Rich, Matt & Rach.

Boxing day with the Mumford crowd tomorrow and a spot of geocaching!

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