Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Lie down in the road for fun

Well not for fun, for a photo. I was coming home and noticed a dull sunset suddenly turn all red. I pulled over and in order to get the whole shot I decided to lie down in the middle of a usually busy ish road and take the shot. Got a bit of the reflection in a puddle as well so I'm happy enough with that.

Preparing for a family get together tomorrow, mostly aunties and uncles here with a few cousins I don't see very often. I'm doing a music intros quiz as well but am wondering if Gilbert O'Sullivan is going to be a bit anonymous for the family as question number 1.

Last night was a laugh, Zanna and Kirky came over and I was beat about 2am. At 4am Kirky was still in the downstairs loo and very conspicuous by his absence. Still it was a nice end to Christmas. Today I plan to mainly sit in front of my Xbox playing Assasins Creed: Not the new one mind, even in the sales the shops wanted thirty five beer tokens for it. I bought the old one I completed last year just to keep me amused.

Anything funny to report? No. Got a bit irate in Blockbusters because a car load of lads were trying to negotiate three pounds off a Playstation controller and held me up for five minutes. Being reasonable and not even slightly sarcastic I said nothing, but if (lets say) I had been a slightly morose and edgy individual I may have remarked that if they 'were that hard up, I'll give you the three quid as I fancy being home in time for 2011'. If I'd said that I assume they'd have got a bit ratty with me as well. Who knows.


Oh and I just saw an advert for'Ask Ollie'.... a text based question service costing something like £1 a time. Who the hell uses these anymore? Surely a better way to find the answers to your questions would be 'ask google' and maybe save the pounds for the next time a bunch of rich kids try to pretend to be thrifty in a shop. Also of the questions on the advert I think I know some of the answers:

Youngest World Cup player? Norman Whitside. How do you say I Love You in Spanish? Exactly the same as in English but louder and slower. Do fish have ears? No, but who the hell would want to know that?

Gary out.

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