Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly

Dad 2010 + Dad in the forties

I just got back from celebrating Christmas with my parents (and A of course) in Kalmar, where I grew up. Backblips start here, but if you've only got time to view one, I'd recommend yesterday's family shot diptych - I rarely get pictures of me and my parents together, and A caught us perfectly there (thanks love!) :)

Today my father showed me his old childhood photo album, and I couldn't help but take some pictures of it to be able to do a comparison like this! At first I meant to show you the right pic uncropped, which would be my father sitting next to the open album holding a magnifying glass over the picture of himself as a young boy, but there was no chance of seeing anything of his young self in that shot, so I opted for this diptych instead. I hope blipcentral is okay with my zoomed in photo of a magnified photo in combination with a current one like this!

In case I haven't told you before in a comment or so: a belated happy holidays to you all!

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