Christian Pedersen

By ChrisP

I hang my washing on a Sunday

Merry Christmas everyone! I made it to Athens and with all the problems the airlines were having they only lost my luggage for a couple days, which makes me really lucky I think :D

It's good to be here, good to be with family, good to have some time to relax. My parents moved back to Ekali, which is one of the towns I grew up in and really the closest thing to home. It's an amazing old house, a kind of house you don't see much of anymore. Other than the office and an enormous basement everything is just on the one floor. I love the high ceilings and the huge rooms. Sometimes my flat makes me feel a little like Gulliver. My parents have only been here a couple days longer than me and already we've nearly unpacked everything from our homes in the States, Denmark and China. I'm already used to it, comfortable. I hope they don't move again any time soon.

This is a shot I took out of my kitchen window using my pinhole camera. It exposes a sheet of photographic paper which I developed in my attic. Once this dried (not quite from the peel marks on the left) I pressed it against a second sheet of paper, exposing them both to light and then developed that. The positive and negative together make a nice diptych

pinhole camera
60 second exposure
printed from the paper negative

posted 26/12/2010
from Ekali, Greece

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