
By MissAhmed


This is a picture taken when we were about to cross the ravi river. Today we had a short trip Rawalpindi. For left for pindi at almost 7:30am and there was no as such fog but there were some patches of fog and this was taken at that time. We were travelling through G.T(Grand Trunk) road. I like the view of G.T road as compare to motorway.
We went to pindi to meet our relatives because my brother is going back tommorrow and he wanted to meet Khala(maternal Aunt). When we were on our way i came to remember that time when we use to come back from Badaber(a village near Peshawar) or going to Pindi or Risalpur and there were no boards which tells us the distance. Milestones were used to telling distance.
When i grew older almost ten years my father used to tell me that which city was famous for what and on the way back he used to ask me about those cities.
When we crossed Kharian my mind clicks to Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle memories.
Half of the time i was sleeping so i didn't do so much site seeing but listened to Bhai(Brother) music collection.
We met eveyone in Pindi and left for Lahore at almost 5:00pm.It was a short trip but fun.
P:S on the way back i was again sleeping. I don't why but i slept alot today in the car. This picture was taken by my Bhai

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