Ben's View

By bendobb


This gorgeous girl is my cousin Flora. I haven't seen her, her brothers and her Dad for years, but we finally made the effort to all get together and catch up.

It's terribly easy to fall out of touch sometimes. And when it gets to a certain length of time, you feel funny about getting back in touch - like they'll think "I was wondering when you'd call!". It's like me and the dentist - I hadn't been for 18 months, just because I was busy and forgot, and then I got too paranoid that they'd think bad of me, so haven't been for about 7 years now!

I'm glad I broke that cycle today. We all had a lovely fun day with lots of good food and good company. Ace.

Back to work tomorrow, but such is life. Lets hope it's not too busy.
Christmas backblip


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