Too old to die young

By msh


Central heating has packed up. Not a very nice home coming. It took us forever to get back today, traffic was horrid. We thought we were clever by leaving the very slow M25. (For those of you not from the UK this is a motorway which goes around London. In the US this would be a beltway, designed to improve connections to/from and around London but in practice is a giant car park especially during the holidays). The alternative route was pretty and traffic was at least moving but I don't think we saved any time really. And then we find our heating is off and refuses to come back on.
Fortunately we have some electric and gas fires to see us through the worst and we have an insurance which means we get an engineer within 24 hrs. So by tomorrow night we should be in a better mood.

I never got round to putting up a Blip yesterday. I'm afraid I was too much full of Christmas cheer after the family party. However I did get a 5D for Christmas and we went out to play with our new gear. A back blip of himselfwill have to do.

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