Home sweet home.

Got up in Garstang, and chatted for most of the morning before setting of at 11.30am to head south. First 60 miles took 2 hours! M6 was a very slow road today! We then treated ourselves to the M6 Toll and speeded up for a bit till midway down the M40! Then headed off onto the A roads to cut across to the A34 and home.

Once home I blipped the front door before even unlocking it! So thankful to be home, even though we've had a fab time doing all the visiting. There's nothing quite like home!

Unpacked, a few nibbles and a glass of sauvingnon blanc. A bit of organic fudge from the hamper one of my brothers and family got us and now a bath and bed!

There is one very full chocolate drawer just like last year!

Right off to my own bed!

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