Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Family of monkeys

Yesterday Santa left a baby monkey for Kerr in his stocking, which completed his monkey family. Here he is going to bed tonight with all 3 monkeys.

When he was tiny he had a dummy as a comforter, then he progressed to sucking his thumb. He has not sucked his thumb for many months now, and prefers to sniff a monkey tail to get him off to sleep! So now he has 3 to choose from, yay!

Uncle Mikey and Auntie Lisa and Lils left late morning today. We then headed to Erskine to visit Great Grandad, followed by hospital to visit Granny Marian. Unfortunately she did not get home for Christmas and ended up having surgery on her knee on Christmas Day. She is hoping to get home in the next day or so once she is more confident on the crutches and has a new cast put on her leg.

On the way home from hospital we visited my sister and stayed there for dinner. Kerr enjoyed playing with Lucy and Abigail and exchanging gifts with them. We had leftover Christmas dinner which was lovely! Auntie Gillian, Uncle Stephen, Abigail and Lucy gave Kerr a tent and tunnel for his Christmas as well as a teaset which he loves! It is blue with spots on it and already he has been busy making tea for everyone :-)

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