
By CleanSteve

Clearing my cobwebs

I fired up the motor for the first time in two weeks today, now that nearly all the ice and snowed has melted. We then ventured up over the commons to Nailsworth to go out to lunch at Tipputs Inn.

Rosie, my sister, drove up from Wiltshire so we could meet her youngest son Antony, and his wife Yue, who we haven't seen since their summer marriage.

It was great fun to be with them and eat a good lunch courtesy of dear Rosie. Helena had to rush off midway to go back to working with a couple of clients. The rest of us came back home for tea. We had time to let our eyes wander across the views, as the mists kindly withdrew once we got home.

Yue is a keen photographer, so she now knows all about Blipfoto, and I am hoping she might join. We can then keep up better with their life in Belfast. I was pleased to hear that she also likes her Canon 50mm too, so I would like to see her views of the world!

I only took a few shots and chose this one as it features Antony and Yue, though sadly the 50mm keeps her out of focus. Here's to a Happy New Year for all of us.

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