As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


I got up at 8:30 for 9:00 track practice. I figured that I wouldn't be running much, but I was wrong. I went on a six mile run with Danny, Timmy, and Mikey. They're really fast and I always feel like I'm slowing them down when I run with them. We ran about a 6:45 pace. I stayed with them the whole time until the last mile or so. I began to slowly fall behind and I ended up coming in about 20 seconds after them (about 39:40). After track, Timmy played Mr. A in basketball. I didn't get to see the outcome of the match but I'm pretty sure I know who won...TIMMY!

I had a science olympiads meeting after track. I was all gross from running but my mom wouldn't take me home so I could shower. I worked on fossils with Kaitlin for a little and then microbe mission with Kyle. After about an hour of actual work I just...stopped. That's usually what happens, which is why no one actually knows what they need to for the competition. Me, Kyle, K-po, and James went to Jani for the lunch special. My total only came out to about $5.00 and I got so much Chinese food I almost wanted to puke. They had tea on the table and I wanted to try some so Kyle started to pour me a cup. Of course, he spilled it all over the table. The tea tasted great though! This is Kyle drinking his tea with his pinky up, being fancy.

After lunch, K-po drove me home. The moment I stepped out of my car, my mom came outside and I got into the car with her and my sister. We went to Barnes and Noble to get me my Nook for my birthday (which is January 5th). I love it so much. I'm reading We The Living by Ayn Rand. We read Anthem in school and I loved it so I'm working my way through all of her books. After that, we stopped at Kohl's to look for boots for my sister. Right now, she's sleeping at her friend's house. Very early tomorrow morning they are leaving to go to Stratton, Vermont to go skiing until Sunday.

I like the expression "burning bridges"...

I just finished watching one of the best movies ever: INCEPTION!

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