Ready to party

14 months 10 days

We've had a really odd day. We got up and out early to go play with my friends' children with another friend and her children, whilst she went to hospital. It wasn't happy news and it's been a sad and difficult day for them, the children coped brilliantly, as they do. Their mum was understandably down, washed out and tearful.

Katie and I spent the afternoon pottering, got dressed and went out to the teaparty we had been invited. My friends had made their, much understood, excuses, and whilst we sorely missed them, noone begrudged it. But about an hour after we'd arrived, so did they. In all their finery, smiles that seemed genuine, ready to try pick themselves up and enjoy good company with good friends. I felt so proud of them.

We had a nice couple of hours at the party, lots of children running around manically. Katie managed about half an hour past her usual time to go up for bed, then we left and within seconds of her snuggling up to me, she was fast asleep.

2010 has been a year of extremes. I've had to do the hardest things I've ever done, we've had some seriously difficult days. But I've had the happiest times imaginable too. I've seen my little girl blossom, show me how strong, resilient and determined she is, and through that, how strong I can be. The latter part of the year has been simply wonderful. I'm ending the year knowing I have the most wonderful friends and family imaginable and a daughter who at 14 months has already made me more proud than I thought possible. I look forward to waking up tomorrow to a new year, the first complete one of just her and I, and i say that as a positive. Because we're so happy. I'm so very blessed. It has its trials still, uncertainties that loom, but do you know what, life is good. It's better than that. Life's brilliant. And I think katie thinks so too.

Happy New Year, my lovely blip friends xx

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