Lali's World

By Lali

Lost Property 2

I didn't take very good photos today, but I chose this one because it sort of follows a story from my previous entry.

Today I actually saw 3 gloves on railings. 3!!!!! So, in total, I've already seen 5. A great glove mystery indeed! Bizarre!

On this photo, although it's not very clear, there are actually two of them! The black leather one at the front and a black wooken one at the back.

So, anyway. Today I burned all those whiskies in the gym and I'm feeling much better for it. As you can see, I don't go to the gym when the new year starts, like most people do with the new year resolutions and all that, but when the old year finishes, so I'm all fit for the New Year celebrations! :)

Today I have a new flatmate moving into my flat. I hope we get on well.

Another quiet evening today.

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