Lali's World

By Lali

Happy New Year!

Today I found 4 more gloves on the railings! I think I'm going mad, and probably people are starting to take me for the nutter that takes photos of gloves on railings!!! But, never mind. I'm not going to bore you with any more photos of gloves.

Today instead I did some light writting experimentation. Really difficult, by the way! I was using this little frog I once got as a present that projects a blue light and a slightly irritating croaking noise at the same time.

Initially, I wanted to write something along the lines of "Happy New Year" or "Happy 2011"; however, considering that my camera can do a maximum of 8 seconds exposure and that I have to write backwards to get it right, I didn't have time to write all that, so that's why I've written instead "Bye 2010", which is much shorter! Hahahahaha!

New year resolutions:
Be good
Learn something new
Do something about my single status
Find a more rewarding and challenging job
Take better photos

Probably going out later on for a few drinks to celebrate the New Year!

Happy New Year to all blippers! I hope 2011 is full of nice surprises for all of you! :)

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