
By Appreciation

Old Out, New In

This shot is of the.... well, I don't really know what its called these days, but it will always the the North British Hotel, or N.B. to me.

I was out in town today doing a bit of returning. That always seems terribly ungrateful. Mostly I was taking back extra things I had seen to give to people, but when I brought their presents together I realised that I didn't need quite as much. So those returns aren't so bad.

My No.1 boy surprised me with a necklace. I thought I was getting some camera equipment, although apparently that is still there for the taking. I did say I had been spoilt. Wasn't too sure about the necklace. I was aware that this was him making a terribly big gesture in appreciation of all the extra things I juggle in a year and in particular the last six months. That made my decision harder. Should I wear it to please and keep the peace or should I be bold and admit its not really my style.

Eventually today I suggested I may be able to find something a little more in keeping with my rather inexpensive taste- always been a cheap date. Thank the heavens I did. When he produced the receipt I was flabbergasted. I think he was surprised by my reaction too. If I had kept it and found out the cost later I would have felt terrible.

I have been trying to find an interesting architectural ceiling for some time and thought I had it in the canopy over the Princes Mall. When I put the shot up on the computer I realised the NB looked too splendid to chop it out so the shot has taken on a different direction. Now the canopy serves as a mexican wave in tribute to a magnificent building.

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