Monte Casino Bird Gardens

R jnr and I went to Monte Casino Bird Gardens with A, her mom and her brother H! Oh my goodness, what a magnificent day!!

I snapped 622 shots!! What a feast!! We watched the daily bird show as well, I wish I could show you all the pics!! There were absolute stunners, but this one stole my heart!! Believe it or not, this is one of the very few birds for which I don't have an identity!! Eisch, but it's só stunning, I must blip it!!

I will try to identify it, but I am too tired now, it is almost midnight and we walked a zillion steps there today, I am tótally pooped!! Hehehehe! It is a Grey Crowned Crane!

I will download some of the pics on Flickr tomorrow as well, and link you to them tomorrow night!!

Gudnite, sleeptite!! LuvUAll!

Late Edit: (Thanks to ~Ina's Snippets!)

Ina immediately identified it for me!! Thx Ina!! Check this site for the 'Grey Crowned Crane'!

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