Happy New Year!!

All my dear Blipfriends and -family, I wish you all a very Happy New Year! May the health, wealth and love be overwhelming right through 2011 and beyond!! This beautiful, humble little feld flower, the Cosmos usually entertain travellers on our main routes to a feast for the eye from mid February onward, but we are fortuante enough to grow some in our potted garden and start enjoying their flowers as early as December!

Well, well, what a lovely year we had! I personally think that 2010 was filled with great things! We experienced awesome growth in our new Cambridge High School at Harties, our beloved R jnr fell in love for the first time, he got elected to be a prefect in 2011, R snr really enjoyed his return to teaching young school students, our beloved country presented the 2010 Soccer World Cup event with stunning grace and success, our beloved M&Z (MissU2) visited us in September/October from Stockholm. I was blessed to discover a doctor who was able to correctly diagnose the reason for my deteriorating health, and to almost heal me completely, our belove R jnr got his boating license as well as his learners license to drive a car, and I can actually go on and on, making the list of wonderful things that happened in 2010 longer and longer!! Praise our ever loving Heavenly Father for all His patience with us!

God bless all my dear Blipfriends in the year to come, and thank you all for immense support and love in the past year!! I am looking forward to a wonderful 2011 in your company, and btw, I am looking forward to meet some of the Blipcentral friends in March!!

Wishing you all a lovely New Year's weekend!! ;-)

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