
By dailykeith


We travelled down to Oxfordshire today to meet up with Mrs Dailykeith's family.

And we had to make sure we kept our trouser bottoms tucked into our socks!

Pictured is my wife's nephew Harry, whose hobby is keeping ferrets. He has three of them and they like to... how shall I put it?....ferret around!

Their favourite plaything is a long section of pipe, which they run up and down. But they do rather like climbing up people's legs - on the inside of trousers!

Anyway, I put the camera on zoom and kept a safe distance.

It was a lovely day, with lots of laughing and joking.

It also featured the annual quiz compiled by my brother-in-law Matthew and his wife Sandra.

My team lost, which won't come as any surprise when I tell you that I mistook Derek Jacobi for Ayatollah Khomeini.

By the way, that's another of my wife's nephews, Sam, pictured in the background on ferret duties.

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