
By JulietLimaDelta

Seventh Day

On the seventh day of Christmas my 365 photo...

Seven Favourite Chocolates
Six Cold Essentials
Five Gold Rings
Four Decades Old
Three Board Games
Two Camera Stars
and a Happy Christmas from Jo x

I was going to use chocolates yesterday. I knew there was a tin knocking round at work, but there were only 5 different varieties left. So I had to think of something else. My boss did offer me his 'six pack' but then thought better of it when I said I had my camera with me!

Tonight was going to be Seven New Year Sparklers but that was a resounding flop. Firstly, indoor sparklers are very short so you don't have long to get your shot. Secondly, trying to get 4 friends who've had a drink or two to co-operate is not easy. Thirdly, the light from 7 sparklers was so bright that the shot looked appalling.

So I resorted to plan B (ie the idea left over from yesterday) and opened a brand new chocolate box at my friend's house. I then sat photographing them, partly as the photo had to be taken on 31.12.10 and partly to get out of playing Just Dance II on the Wii. The chocolates then found thier was into my handbag at the end of the 'shoot'!!

Happy New Year All!

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