Clare Fowler

By AnsdellClare

All wrapped up!

Chris is still poorly, and although he managed to get downstairs to the settee, he really wasn't well enough to make the journey to my parents' for Christmas lunch, so I had to leave him behind. He had a supply of sweets, drinks and paracetamol, plus the remote control for the TV and the TV guide. Oh and Heidi, our dog for company!

I felt a bit mean leaving him while I enjoyed a wonderful Christmas dinner in the company of my parents, my siblings, their spouses, children and dogs, but it would have been cruel to inflict his germs on the others, and he managed to have a peaceful enough day on his own.

This blip was taken when I returned home, during one of his chilly spells, hence the hat!

Thanks for all your good wishes for him, I have passed them onto him and he is feeling slightly better now!

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