Unhappy New Year

First game back at incil Bank since November 27th. Wish I hadn't bothered. Got beat 2-1 in a terrible game, and the club hadn't got my suit back from the dry cleaners so I couldn't even go out and perform.

I sincerely hope this isn't a sign of things to come for 2011. Last night? Spent most if it talking to girls nearly half my age and realising I shouldn't.

I have no passion or motivation to write anything else at all. Haven't seen anyones blips for the last day or two, but I'll do the round of comments once I've shaken my headache and come to terms with the fact its a new year and sweet FA will change.

Oh and if anyone ever says the words 'Delroy Facey' to you please don't labour under the misconception he is a footaller, because although it says that in the profession column of his bio I haven't seen any evidence of it myself ever. How he draws a living from my football club with all the mobility of a multi storey car park I'll never know.

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