Too old to die young

By msh

The Bell Pub, Odell

Happy New Year to all Blippers.
Suffering from cabin fever today and happy to jump in the car to go for a drive. As so often we were bowled over by some of the lovely villages just a short drive from our home. We found ourselves close to Sharnbrook where the train from London often takes us past at 90 miles an hour. Even at that speed it seemed a friendly kind of village and this proved to be true. Lovely messages on the village notice board. I would have used a fantastic one as my Blip but W. got there first. Friendly requests like "please don't park here, we would not be able to get out" and "please, please don't throw your bottles in the river, the horses drink here and may hurt themselves on the glass" Everywhere pleasant, helpful people, a working post office (somewhat of a rarity in British villages these days), a couple of inviting pubs. We wanted to move there that minute. Our budget would probably stretch to a tent in those horses' paddock. Besides, we like our present house.
Despite all that I went to the neighbouring village of Odell for my blip. The pub was just as inviting there. We were good though, we limited ourselves to the outside.

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