Happy New Year

14 months 11 days

We got an email fairly late last night inviting us to spend the day with my parents. We traditionally have had a family meal or something on New Years Day (or the following if not possible) so it was nice to do that to start this year.

We got up, after Katie slept through from midnight, and got ready. I then made the mistake of telling her what we were doing, and she ran to the door and banged it until we left! When we arrived at Granny and Grandads, she ran around like a mad thing for a while, literally bouncing. To say she was pleased to be there is a bit of an understatement!

After a cuppa, and Katie having a good go at demolishing the contents of their fruitbowl, we decided to go for a walk along the foreshore. We saw people getting ready to go for the annual New Year dip in the sea (some odd costumes) and all invested in new gloves/mittens as the temperature dropped a little! Katie was snuggled up in the wilkinet quite happy, waving at dogs and people as usual.

We reached hunger point and realised there was nowhere on the seafront we wanted to eat/that wasn't heaving, so walked up into town, stopping for a quick photo looking out over the bay - a place i have spent many many happy hours.

We went to one of my parents' favourite carvery restaurants, Katie troughed a load of carrots, some bread, peas and a bit of yorkshire, then her pudding. We headed home with fully bellies and smiles on our faces (this one was SO nearly the blip, if it weren't for the fact that she's being so cheeky as i was trying to wipe her nose!)

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